Ovarian cancer will claim the lives of close to 200,000 women worldwide this year. This includes over 1000 deaths in Australia alone, where it is the leading cause of death from any kind of gynecological malignancy. The lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is 1 in 70 and, on average, only 43 out of every 100 women diagnosed will still be alive 5 years after diagnosis. As can be expected, these survival figures are much less bleak if the cancer is detected early, up to 90% survival after 5 years in that scenario. But unfortunately the lack of specific symptoms at early stages of the disease and no early detection screening tests mean that the majority of women are diagnosed at an advanced stage, when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. For these women, the chances of surviving for 5 years are only approximately 30%.
The treatment regimen for ovarian cancer has changed little in decades. It involves tumour debulking surgery followed by administration of platinum and taxane-based chemotherapy. If there is a response to systemic chemotherapy, the disease often relapses within 12 to 18 months. The pattern of treatment failure is mostly local-regional, involving only the peritoneum and adjacent intra-abdominal organs.
Platinum-resistant or refractory patients need more treatment options. Whilst there has been some exciting new drug developments for the treatment of ovarian cancer in recent years, still no improvement in overall survival has been reported. There is an urgent need for more effective therapies for ovarian cancer, for first line treatment, maintenance and for more effective treatment options in women with platinum-resistant or refractory disease.
At Zeta Therapeutics we are developing a nanotechnology based solution that we believe will substantially improve the effectiveness of first line chemotherapy treatments for ovarian cancer. Our technology represents a very different approach compared to the majority of work being undertaken by pharmaceutical and biotech companies working in the field of ovarian cancer around the world. Our strategy is to exploit a particular aspect of tumour biology that should result in a more durable response to the drug therapy combined with reduced side effects.